Monday, December 22, 2014

10 Things To Do When You Are Bored

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Are you sick of sitting around your room all day staring at the ceiling? That happens to me everyday! Especially during school breaks! Here are a few of my tips to help get you through the holidays;

1) Go for a walk: Enjoy the fresh air that you have for free! Walk your dog or even take a sibling with you.
2) Think about the future: Think of life goals, where do you see yourself in 10 years time? Or even think about whether we'll have flying car or invisible glasses!
3) Draw: Take out a few coloured pencils and professional sketch pencils to doodle around the page. Using good quality pencils will make you feel like a pro! But one tip: don't draw on the walls, you'll get in serious trouble by the owner of your house or your parents!
4) If you can't draw, make a collage: Grab a magazine and cut out a few of your favourite pictures and stick them on a large piece of cardboard. That way, it will look rustic! Who doesn't love vintage these days?!
5) Read: The joys of reading a book (not electronically) have faded. Yesterday, I went to my public library and there was barely anyone in there apart from the staff. Reading gives you something else to think about, and calms you down before bed.
6) Play a sport: Go outside and run around, shoot some hoops whilst you're at it! And if it's too hot outside, play a sport on Wii Fit! Yoga is cool!
7) Rearrange your room: Switch up the furniture, clean your closet, hang some decorations up! Your options are endless!
8) Learn a new instrument: Just recently, I taught  myself how to play the ukulele! It's so fun, and everything you need to know about the instrument is online! There is no excuse (except if you don't have an instrument around)
9) Write a story: Think about something that recently happened to you and document it! And if you think your life is boring, come up with something you might want to do and write it down. 
10) Message a friend: Social media has taken over the world! Just say hi, they might be bored too! Once the conversation has started,  you'll forget that you were even bored in the first place.

These are some of my tips, I want to know yours! Comment below and stay tuned for more posts.

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