Friday, April 17, 2015

Book Review: An Abundance of Katherines

Last week decided to read another book by John Green, An Abundance of Katherines! I had heard mixed thoughts from friends about the book and thought that it was best to just give it a go myself! I read it within a day as it was a fairly small book and was very unique. The book features Colin Singleton, who has a love for all Katherines and would seem to only be interested in Katherines. He had relationships with all 19 of them, where all but one, Colin was dumped. Colin decides to go on a road trip to Kentucky with his Lebanese friend and frankly his only friend, Hassan. Together they embark the many wild adventures and the many shocking firsts. And that's basically the book!

My review:
I would like to mention first that I rated it 4/5 stars on Goodreads as I did very much enjoy the book. I thought it was well written for a young adult book, and the characters were very unique compared to some of the other books that I have read. I thought that Colin was slightly too fixated on his past and needed to get over all 19 Katherines much sooner. Hassan on the other hand, was so funny! I loved how honest and genuine he was to Colin. John Green's idea of incorporating many languages specifically Arabic into the dialogue was great! It made the story even funnier for me. However, if you don't understand Arabic, French or German, you tend to miss out on a few jokes and some topics might be unclear... Overall, it was a great read. I recommend it to anyone who wants a quick and funny read!

Have you read this book? Tell me what you thought of it in the comments below!

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