Today was my first day back at school. I thought it would be a nice idea to set myself a 'questionnaire' to answer at the end of the school year. Let us begin...
How was the fitness class?
Are you still doing the same job you were last year?
How long is your hair now?
Did you cut it again?
What is your fashion style now?
How much makeup do you wear?
Do you look any different?
Did you get a new phone?
New job?
Made any new friends?
How was your first day at school?
Did you pass your math exam?
By pass I mean did you get above 65%
What's your favourite food?
How's life?
Still on Tumblr?
What time do you go to bed now?
Do you study every couple of days?
Are you happy?
Do you know who -A is?
Do you still talk to your best friend of 6 years?
Have you done any activities outside of school with friends?
Have you met new people?
Are you still your worried self?
Are you any taller?
Do you still have hyper-pigmentation?
How many books did you read this year?
Any new shows you started?
Did you end up moving house?
How's school?
How's your blog? Did you get any companies reaching out to you?
Are you still in the same school?
Morning or Night showers?
Summer or Winter?
What do you like to eat for lunch at school?
Did you get your learners license on the first try?
What was your average grade for the end of the year?
Did you find a new hobby?
Did you play a sport?
Did you participate in the sport carnivals for school?
Did you see Pitch Perfect 2 in the cinema?
Are you shy?
Is your favourite colour still blue?
Did you get new converse?
How many bottles of water do I drink on average each day?
Did you improve in piano?
Are your teachers any good this year?
Did you get new furniture for your room?
Are you confident?
Do you still watch YouTube videos?
So that's it! These were the 50 random questions I am going to answer half way through the year and at the end of the year (2015). Feel free to do your own questions on your blog too!
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