1 - My Favourite bowl to eat cereal in. Purchased from Target.
2 - Weetbix is a very popular choice for breakfast here in Australia! I buy the high-bran box so I can pack as much nutrients into my body as possible. I usually go for 2 'blocks' a day. Keep in mind that Weetbix is very bland on its own and also very filling!
3 - Since Weetbix is bland, I love topping it with granola. The granola I've been using is the Jordan's granola with dried Blueberries and Cranberries. This adds a crunch and a pop of flavour to your cereal.
4 - I personally prefer cereal with milk rather than without it. I usually just use low fat milk and it's perfect with this combo.
I hope you enjoyed reading about what I typically eat for breakfast. Let me know what you eat in the comments below, I'd love to here from you!